Online shop questions? Pls. send the email to

Forgot password?

If you have forgotten your password, we can help you reset it.
Enter the email address you used to register for the Murrelektronik online shop in the field below.

  • Specify a value for this required field. Please enter a valid e-mail address

  • Specify a value for this required field.

An email with a link to the page where you can change your password will be sent to that address.

Please note: This link will only be active for six hours, and then it will automatically expire. If you do not reset your password during this time, you will have to request another password reset.

If you don't receive an email within a few minutes, check the following:

  • Are you registered in the online shop? If not, create an account here
  • A typing error may be the reason that you haven't received an email. Try reentering your email address in the box above.
  • Did the email go to your spam folder?

If you have verified that everything is correct and you still have not received an email asking you to reset your password, please contact us via email: